Sunday, April 28, 2019 | 1:30 - 4pm
Delta Nature Reserve, 10389 Nordel Court
The annual Earth Day Pilgrimage to Burns Bog takes place this coming Sunday, April 28! Performers sing, drum, and dance as pilgrims walk through the Delta Nature Reserve. Recharge your spirits while surrounded by nature and good company.
This year, the keynote speaker is Abhayjeet Singh Sachal, activist and co-founder of Break the Divide! Performances include poetry from Celeste Ramsey and music from Aline LaFlamme and the Daughters of the Drum, and Susan Summers and the Sacred Web Singers.
Bring your friends and family to this free outdoor event and encourage them to step into nature!

Burns Bog has been called “the lungs of the Lower Mainland” due to its role in maintaining air quality throughout the region. The Bog does a lot for us. It regulates the climate. It captures CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it in peat. It filters rainwater and prevents flooding. It provides habitat to numerous species at risk (including the Sandhill Crane and Pacific Water Shrew), and it is a key rearing ground for Fraser River salmon, including sockeye, pink and chum.
Without the bog, the Lower Mainland would be a very different place. It took sphagnum mosses over 3,000 years to form the bog, and human development has destroyed half of it within the last century. It deserves reverence and needs our protection! The Pilgrimage is an annual spiritual journey to the sacred grounds at the heart of the Bog to help us to reconnect with nature and one other, and to remind us all of what is at stake.
If you are based in Vancouver, a contingent of Burns Bog pilgrims is meeting at the parking lot of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver (where the Multifaith office is based) after their service at about 12pm to travel there together.
Please note that this event is not organized by or affiliated with the Multifaith Action Society; we are supportive of its intentions and are simply doing our part to help spread the word and increase engagement.The information and images in this announcement were gathered from www.burnsbog.org.