Join the Vancouver School of Theology’s Inter-Religious Studies program for a timely virtual conference,
May 24-25, 2020. Together we will explore the topic "Religious, Spiritual, Secular: Living in a Pluralistic Society." The conference will be hosted online via Zoom.
Fifty scholars and community activists, representing 10 different spiritual or religious traditions, will lead our discussions. Breakout session titles include:
Models of Pluralism, Inter-Religious Education, Spirituality in Popular Culture, COVID-19 and Inter-cultural Tensions, Regulating Religious Freedom, Indigenous and Canadian Reconciliation, and
much more.
Register for the full conference or RSVP just for its two special public events. Join us in real-time for an intensive two days. Or take it slow as you view videos
and participate in on-line discussion for an extended ten days.
Free public events include the keynote address and inter-faith concert. Keynote address Healing at a Time of Polarization with Interfaith Amigos Rabbi Ted Falcon
and Imam Jamal Rahman, Sunday May 24, 7:00-8:30 pm, on zoom. Multifaith Melodies concert with Christian, Jewish, and Islamic artists, Monday May 25, 7:00-8:30 pm. RSVP required!
Click here to find out more, register for the full
event, or RSVP for a public event, or email